Climbing: Stronger Shoulders 1.0

Stronger Shoulders 1.0 What you need to send harder. This is a 4 week program built to improve your shoulder stability and your climbing. Over the past five years we [...]

Reflections: Why do we climb?

Why do we climb? This is a question that is often examined only lightly, and the answers to it are perhaps inadequate to laying a ground work for the central question that I am [...]

Zak McGurk

Profile: Climber, Design Guru, Giant dog owner  Injury: A really fucked leg Issue: Falling Shattered Tib Plateau, blown LCL, fractured ankle, two surgeries and 6 weeks in a wheel chair. Diagnoses: Straight [...]

Mika Hemphill

Profile: Urgent care doc, obsessive climber Injury: Ego Issue: Smallness, lack of strength at end range As physicians... we learn the parts of a human body, but there’s a difference between understanding [...]

Training: Fear

How do you train fear? I wrote this in 2011.  It still is something I sit and ponder.  How do we best tackle the world of training our heads, perhaps the item that [...]

Building Active Shoulder Flexibility

Flexibility is an expression of strength in a full range of movement. I have recently been doing a lot of work looking at rebuilding and strengthening my shoulder girdle.  It seems that people [...]

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