Shelly Westergard
Profile: Mother, wife, skier, care-giver. Injury: Undiagnosable Back Pain Issue: Mothering is hard work. “You should go see Ian”. Sure, friend, I’ll go see your rehab guy. I’d been at this for [...]
Profile: Mother, wife, skier, care-giver. Injury: Undiagnosable Back Pain Issue: Mothering is hard work. “You should go see Ian”. Sure, friend, I’ll go see your rehab guy. I’d been at this for [...]
Profile: Runs, Swims, Climbs, Plays Injury: Herniated Disc Issue: Easily distracted by dolphins The minute to minute experience of being, well, not in pain, is unexplainable unless you have lived in that [...]
Profile: Skier, trouble-maker, too tall. Injury: Knees/Back Issue: Thinks he is a lumberjack. Game Changer - Not Exaggerating I first met Ian at a backcountry event he was speaking at [...]